Animal Comedy Newsletter

Sweet Staffy Pup Rescued From Abuse Hears a Piano for the First Time and Has the Most Wholesome Reaction


Pianist and personal coach Rosemarie Philip takes to her social media to help spread inspiration to anyone who will listen. She was destined to become a concert pianist, but her first year at school she had an injury and had to pull out. She has since been diagnosed with a chronic illness that she is constantly battling. Through her social media she shows others how it's been very hard having to go through many surgeries and other medical treatments, but if you find a way to coexist with the pain, life can be good. She also recently adopted a rescue staffy that has been a great support for her through it all. 

Her pup, Emma, was rescued from an abusive home. She is a beautiful example of perseverance. Though she's experienced so much trauma, through love and patiences she is able to love and accept love again. Emma and Philip are a power couple of overcoming hardships and you can really see how much they love each other.   


Recently, Philip decided to get back on the piano bench and see if it's something her sweet staffy enjoyed just as much as she does. She is still in pain from her chronic illness, so she can only play for short increments before the pain is too great. She sat down with Emma and slowly started playing a gentle melody. The pup was unsure at first and stay closed to her mama. Eventually, as her mama kept playing that sweet and soothing melody, Emma started getting closer and closer until she was right by the piano feeling the vibrations. Philip says that Emma then sat there for the rest of the time she played so she could not only hear the music her mom was producing, but feel the comforting vibrations of it the entire time. 

It's absolutely the most wholesome video you will watch today. The story of this woman and her dog is truly inspirational and a beautiful example of the power of love. If you are patient and understanding with someone, the love will be strong and you two can help each other get through anything. 

Watch entire video below:


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