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Remember that kid on the playground that would come up and take your toy just because they were envious that you had one and they didn't? Yeah, some people never mature past that point.
These are the same people who try and confront you while you're loading your recently-acquired loot into your car at Walmart and demand that you give it to them because they need it more than you. Like the kid on the playground, they might not have even wanted it if they didn't see it in your hands, but — because you have it and they don't — they have to have it too.
To be completely honest, it's stressful enough dealing with strangers in public without them approaching you in the parking lot and making incoherent demands. Kudos to this guy for handling it well and sharing his experience online for us to enjoy.
Keep reading for the screenshots below, as shared by Reddit user NeatCartographer209 to Reddit's r/FuckYouKaren community. For more, check out this Karen, who got locked in a left-leaf battle with a maintenance guy.
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