2023 New Rules
Please Read, initial each item and sign/date at the end.
1.) Calling in sick will require a Dr. Note when returning.
1st offense~Sent home, write up.
2nd offense~Write up, 2 day susp.
3rd offense~Write up and could face termination
2.) Come to work on time and in full uniform every shift. You will be sent home to get out correct uniform. You must have a Redacted shirt, hat, and blue jeans or khaki pants. Shoes must cover toe and heel, no holes. Use a hair tie for long hair.
1st offense~sent home to get uniform. If you don't return with it, write up
2nd offense~Write up, 2 day susp.
3rd offense~Write up, 3 day susp.
3.) If a manager asks you to complete a task, you're to do it. Do not ask why? Do not ask another manager, we all have the same answer.
- Transcribed by u/OneAlternate
1st offense~Sent home and/or write up
2nd offense~Write up, 3 day susp.
3rd offense~7 day susp/or termination
4.) No cell phones or ear buds at work, unless you are on break. Emergency situations will be handled on a case by case basis. If you have a emergency and need to take the call, go to the back of the store out of customers view. We can make it that no cell phones are to be at work or phones are collected and given back at the end of your shift.
1st offense~Verbal and/or written warning.
2nd offense~Write up
3rd offense~Phone not allowed in store or put in safe until end of shift.
5.) Hours will be given to those who do their job without incident. If you only put forth half the work, you will only receive half the hours.
6.) If you are calling in, running late, etc. you must call the store and speak with the manager on duty. Text messaging that your late or calling out is unacceptable.
- Transcribed by u/OneAlternate
1st offense~Verbal/Written warning
2nd offense~Write up
3rd offense~Write up, and/or sent home, susp, etc.
7.) Make a group chat and if you cannot work, see if somebody else can pick up your shift. Any change must be approved by GM, no exceptions.
8.) Please allow at least a 3 hour notice if you are going to be missing work. Try and cover your shift and get it approved by GM.
9.) Stay busy and use your time wisely. When we get busy, we need everyone to step up their game. We need to speed up and still do proper work. We need to help each other. Stock up, stay busy.
10.)Everyone has deployments that must be done before your shift is over each day. No matter what time the schedule says you get off work, your not to leave until all task are complete. If you leave before finishing your deployments or clearing it with the Mod you will be written up.
1st offense~Write up
- Transcribed by u/OneAlternate
2nd offense~Write up, hours cut.
3rd offense~Write up, hours cut more. Then you will have to do your work correctly without incident to earn back your hours.
11.) Taking a break. By law if you work for more than 4 hours you can take a 30 minute break. You have to clock out for this break. Most shifts are around 5 hours so if you want to clock out you can, or you may step out quickly business permitting after working at least 2 hours. Lets not take advantage of stepping out. We do not take breaks in groups. Management will rotate breaks as business allows, do not ask!
12.) Do not clock in until your scheduled time.
13.) Cleaning assignments will be given on a regular basis.
We are a team and need to act accordingly. If someone falls behind, step up and go help out. We need to have each other's back and give 100% all the time.
***Guys this is a job. We as managers have our own job to do. Babysitting is not in the job description. Corners have been cut due to staff
- Transcribed by u/OneAlternate
shortage for entirely too long. Its time to step it up and do your job, or we will find someone to replace you. All the rules are to be followed on a daily basis. We need to work as a team and do our part. The ones who work will be scheduled more than those who choose to be lazy.
Management #231
___________Employee signature
Any and all questions you have should be asked now.
____________Manager _____Date
- Transcribed by u/OneAlternate
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