If you were born between 1981-1996, you might find these millennial memes to be painfully relatable! It's not easy being a millennial, as the stereotype agrees, because it's hard out here in basically every way. It's not just that millennials get roasted for being overly sensitive, wasting money on avocado toast and lattes, and being very online. It's also that it's hard to buy a house, get a job, raise a family, and more. Plus, we don't even know how to do TikTok dances! So we're very uncool at parties.
Having so many disadvantages in life can really get you down. So commiserate with your fellow millennials who are also "going through it," as they say. At least we're all killing the diamond and mayonnaise industries as one!
Up next, read this crazy tale of an entitled supermarket Karen who just cannot pay attention in the checkout line — because she's too busy running her mouth.
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Customers can be awful! The "millennial stack" definitely helps to clear a table quicker.
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