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Sassy Miss Lilith the Talkative Cat Won't Take Pspsps For an Answer and Demands Attention Only on Her Terms


Cats are inherently solitary creatures, but obviously there are a few exceptions. Cuddly kitties certainly exist in the world, but they are a jewel in the rough that is tough to spot. The rarest of cuddly cats will even let you flip them on their backs, holding them like the wittle baby that they are. However, most cats would scratch your eyes out if you held them like a baby. Pussycats are sassy, accepting attention and cuddling only when it's on their terms, getting annoyed or irritable when loving is not received precicely when they ask for it. Lilith, a talkative tabby cat, gives her owner a run for her money by being the most demanding cat in existence— according to her schedule of course. 


The moment that Lilith suspects she might be pet by her owner, she's hesitant and apprehensive, keeping her distance so that she can control the situations in which she is touched. She is an expert at staying out of reach. However, once she decides that she's ready for a dose of hooman love, she meows so loudly and so forcefully that there is simply no denying her “brrrrrrrrreowwww". 

She even reaches out for her owner's hand so that she can sniff it and take her captive, hoping that sheer force will bring her hooman's love to her. However, Lilith doesn't always get her way. If you don't pet this little sassy kitty the moment she wants it, all hell breaks loose. If you're within reach and have not administered a pet within 0.5 seconds of a brrreow, you will pay the price— a swift bite to the wrist and a long time of being ignored angrily to think about what you've done wrong. 

Is it just me or does Lilith have RBF? Honestly though, it's not Lilith's fault that she's a princess. She is perfectly aware that she is the prize and the humans will always want to pet her. She holds all the cards. Withholding her own self is punishment enough to any person who steps outside of the boundaries that Lilith is prepared to enforce. Like most cats, Lilith is the queen of the house and will not accept being treated like anything less than royalty. 

Her love language is anger


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