“My Toxic Trait Is…”: The Most Relatable Relationship Toxic Traits Videos on TikTok

  • 01
    "My toxic trait is calling out other people's red flags even though I'm a walking disaster myself..."
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  • 02
    My toxic trait is missing my partner all day then adapting an attitude the second he walks through the door {{lol emoji}} {{melting emoji}}
  • 03
    "My toxic trait is using dating apps when I'm feeling lonely and then ghosting because I'm too anxious to reply."
  • 04
    "My toxic trait is my Dad being my best friend so I keep assuming boys are gonna be supportive and fun to be around."
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  • 05
    "My toxic trait is when my wife brings up our plans I without hesitation respond "you never told me that" but in reality idk if she didn't tell me, I didn't hear her, I wasn't listening or if I just straight up forgot. Each is equally likely..."
  • 06
    "My toxic trait is convincing my husband to repeat what he mumbled under his breath knowing damn well it'll pi$$ me off and start an argument."
  • 07
    My toxic trait is spoiling my wife however I can, then being surprised and frustrated when she acts spoiled...
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  • 08
    "My toxic trait is that I always want it... Even if we just had an argument, even if I have a headache, even if your friends are coming over in 5 minutes... I still want it."
  • 09
    My toxic trait is id (I'd) rather lose you than the argument
  • 10
    My toxic trait is I don't catch feelings. I'm either obsessed with you or find you boring. But I can fake both. So you'll never know which it is
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  • 11
    My wife's toxic trait is that if I let her sleep in she's gonna be mad that we wasted the day but if I wake her up it may be the last thing I ever do...
  • 12
    My toxic trait is looking at a man's trainers before looking at his face {{sneaker emoji}} {{crying face emoji}}
  • 13
    One of My toxic traits is that I can cry over a guy I cheated on just to emotionally blackmail him back into the relationship so that I can be the one to do the breakup
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  • 14
    My toxic trait is that I use Tinder Everytime I'm bored and text with lots of guys but I wll ghost them at the point they wanna hang out bc I'm actually not rly in for something


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