'Mozart on a go-kart': 20+ Ultra-specific, out of this world AI paintings

  • 01

    Cowboy riding a hermit crab through the desert.

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  • 02
    Product - Washing Machines in the Pyramid of Giza OF muinh VAX E
  • 03

    Broke: Mona Lisa. Woke: Minion Lisa.

  • 04

    This person said, "Deadpool but make it cyberpunk" and the results are super cool

    Light - CH DOITITIEMMI 10
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  • 05

    What if bees got interviewed on late night talk shows? Here's what that oddly specific scenario would look like.

  • 06

    One person requested a kitty inside a burrito, creating this fine purr-ito.

    Cat - RAALL BLET.
  • 07

    'Mad Max: Fury Road' but make it 'Muppets: Mad Max, Furry Road'

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  • 08

    Meanwhile on Stable Diffusion, someone asked for these odd metallic forest creature guys

  • 09

    Baby skydiving? They're having a great time!

    People in nature - ONM Hom
  • 10

    Check out this "selfie"

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  • 11

    Aww this one's pretty adorable

  • 12

    How would you react if one of these metal forest creatures slithered up to you?

  • 13

    Children at the "broccoli amusement park" are not having a great time.

    Head - SHE SOIR
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  • 14

    Here's what happens when you ask AI for the world's priciest burger.

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    Mozart on a go kart!

  • 16

    AI gave this kitty a human form.

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  • 17

    The Queen meets McQueen

    Tire - 4
  • 18

    This person asked the AI to show people singing "Sweet Caroline."

    Picture frame - 台灣 SAE
  • 19

    Using Midjourney, this person created Darth Vader's life if he were just a normal dude going to birthday parties.

    Outerwear - LARA • MON |-- A (s
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  • 20

    He's making breakfast, using the Force, for obvious reasons.

    Tableware - DE
  • 21

    This kitty morphed into a tired-looking professor.

  • 22

    Chanting "I Bees Bee!" "Beees do best Beees!"

    Motor vehicle - ON Protest Against Bees Thed Slopers Hac Rone Boeels Bees RE VIONO NE BES BEEE BEEES BEES IES BEEES 00 beat BEEES e los plemle cere caldaco o pas occerla es Iha BO AGETS ON & BEES LEIS ice coll the Borurefy tolet wooote voces frlo holy cherr Bocane Boo BEGES bht REXIT I BEES BEE trou BEE BEES BEEESS 2 BEEC Bearem Bir t DONOR on ww CONT PIS BEE BES IS BEE
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  • 23

    Garden gnome is coming to get you and he's already in the house!

  • 24

    Sing it, brother

    Terrestrial animal - A capybara passionately signing into a microphone


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