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'He survived it and gained 10+ wisdom': Dog gets into jar of magic mushrooms behind his human's back and trips balls, is totally fine afterwards


DO NOT GIVE YOUR DOG PSILOCYBIN MUSHROOMS AKA MAGIC MUSHROOMS AKA THE FORBIDDEN MUSHROOMS. Seriously, we're all laughing and having a good time with this sweet pup below, but this was an accident and had to be monitored constantly and medical professionals were contacted. In the moment, it was more likely a more stressful moment than the video lets on. 

Other than that, LOOK AT THIS DOG TRIPPING BALLS, OMG. Poor baby Kaleb, an adorable dog now viral online, snuck behind his parents back and got into a jar of the forbidden mushrooms. His parents work in nature, which include mycology research aka the research of fungi. If you don't know, magic mushrooms are mushrooms you can find in nature that contain psilocybin, which is the chemical that makes you trip. Though some believe magic mushrooms to be safer than weed, just like weed, it can cause some trauma. Luckily for Kaleb, everything turned out 100% fine. 


However, in the video it does appear that he might have found the answers to all of the universe… “He was like this for the night but woke up the next morning back to normal,” his owner says. Kaleb probably saw vibrant colors for the first time. Maybe even met some spiritual being who finally told him the answer to the age old question all dogs ask: Who is a good boy? Yes Kaleb, it's you. But please, stay out of your parent's magic mushroom stash. It's for research purposes, not tripping purposes, you dang hippy. 

The most adorable hippy we've ever seen though… 

Watch the full video below:


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