'Guess I'll find a sitter': Manager passive aggressively tries to coerce worker into coming into work on their day off


From aggressive unhinged customers to gaslighting upper management to having to make a roster work with chronic understaffing — it's not nearly as easy of a job as people try to make it out to be. No matter what you do — even if you put every ounce of energy you have into it — someone is going to be disappointed. 

Still, it's important to remember: It's the gig you signed up for, and you're the one making the (slightly) better pay, so it's not your subordinates' job to solve your problems. This can be hard for some managers in this position to understand and get right, and oftentimes it's also the precedent set within the organization. None of this is helped by the fact that they're usually just one extra shift away from a complete emotional breakdown. So, when that call-out comes in, they might turn to underhanded tactics, like guilt trips, in order to avoid having to cover the shift themselves.

That's probably what was happening here when this manager began desperately trying to contact the worker who they thought would be their best bet for covering the shift. You can practically feel the resignation in their messages. The part where they crossed the line here is in using personal connections to contact the worker's wife. With that context, you can safely say that the manager is completely in the wrong here. 

Still, it kinda sucks for anyone to have to pay for last-minute childcare, given that the cost is certain to offset any additional income. 

What's your take? Have you experienced this in your life of work? Let us know.

Keep reading for the screenshots. For more workplace stories, check out this insane sign that was written in highlighter and sought to limit employee bathroom breaks.

via u/Upstairs_Bad_9143


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