
American Workers Discuss the Perils of Living With So Few Holidays

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  • 1
    Font - nietzsches_knickers. 1d 5 + w 6 Awards We don't. We're fucking nuts. Reply 8.8k

    "I'm gobsmacked anyone external to America could even ask this question." said u/theNomad_Reddit.

    "We're overweight alcoholics with unmanaged anxiety. Do we appear to be ok?" said u/Wooster182.

  • 2
    Font - Tacomancer42 • 1d We don't. It was stated today at work we have 132 days til our next holiday. Its depressing. Reply 2.7k ...

    "That stretch between New Year and Memorial Day is just brutal" said u/Summoning_Dark.

  • 3
    Font - guessirs. 1d I've got a friend of mine who's really dipped into the kool aid. He's an hourly construction worker who voluntarily lies on his time sheet to not get paid the overtime he's due. Like he'll work an 11 hour shift and only put down 8 hours because he's quote "loyal to the company". I cannot fathom some peoples motivations. ... Reply 7.7k

    "That is insane, but I know guys like that too. They think the company will recognize their sacrifice and reward them. That never happens and the company will just take advantage of you forever." said u/Sambizzle17.

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  • 4
    Rectangle - Ihavntgotaclue • 1d 31 Award Fantasize about letting the intrusive thoughts win, by the time I could possibly act on them, it's time for bed. Reply 1.7k
  • 5
    Rectangle - Jerry Rice Of Ohio2 . 1d 11 Awards That's the neat part, we don't ... Reply 21.1k

    "So adorable to think we do." said u/lotsofcache.

  • 6
    Rectangle - GE GraySpear227 . 1d 8 Awards We don't, that's why there's a huge mental health crisis right now. ... Reply 15.1k
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  • 7
    Font - Pretty-Issue6646 - 1d Not an American but work for an American company. I'm frustrated AF. The senior people in my team are available even during the vacation they take. This culture sucks Reply ↑ 8k ↓
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    Rectangle - thistimeitsfound you. 1d 17 Awards We don't, as should be pretty damn apparent by now. ... Reply 26.2k
  • 9
    Font - Liquid SoCrates. 1d 2 Awards Adderall and marijuana. Reply 4.4k
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  • 10
    Font - Ashley BidensDiary. 1d We don't. Consider this. Outside of holidays and vacation time (80 hrs average) we spend more time with workers than our own family. 30 min average commute each way (1 hr) 9 - 10 hour average work day Out of 24, I spend 11 if not more away from those I care about. If I get home on time (5:30pm) I have 4 hours avg with family before everyone heads to bed to repeat again the next day. We weren't built for this. We weren't meant to spend more time with those we tolerat
  • 11
    Font - bonfiglioaj. 1d We get pizza parties! ... Reply 1.5k


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