I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter

Time To Take In The Weekly Dose Of Cute Cats (#218)

  • 1

    "It's a new day, he is getting bolder in his attempts to be my cat"

    Footwear - Welcome

    Oh, just give in already, people. You have clearly been chosen by this tiny feline. Day by day, the closer he physically gets to your door, the closer he also gets to your hearts, and we cannot for the day in which you will upload a picture of this sweetheart lounging on your couch. 

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  • 2

    "My cat Ralf and me in the same place, 20 years later. She was a bit grumpy during the photo shoot"

    Arm - MARW *****
  • 3

    "My stealth bomber"

  • 4

    "It was Mowglis’ first trip..."


    "It was Mowglis' first trip to the vet yesterday. When I came out my mum wasn't in the car. Mowgli was shivering in the carrier… had no option but to wrap her up. She spent the whole ride home all cozy in there… very snuggly."

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  • 5

    "How my colleagues cat Leon sleeps"

  • 6

    "Black-footed cat"

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  • 7

    "Welp... that was clean but he's so proud of himself I can't be mad"

    Cat - 123 Ca 3.3 Steam W - Hected Dry wash Zones Lower Stas
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  • 8

    "My parents cat, Butters. They have to shave her butt cuz poop gets in her hair..lol"

  • 9

    "I’ve wanted a cat for a while. Rescued this girl from the shelter. Meet socks!!! She’s a year old and I just brought her home today."

    Head - ALG sanis
  • 10

    "My kitty has gotten real comfortable"

    Cat - wn a
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  • 11

    "A pure bread cat"

  • 12

    "My cat has his own entrance to the basement (where we keep his litter box)"

  • 13

    "Guess I have to call out sick now"

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  • 14

    "Do you ever feel like you are being watched?"

    Automotive tire
  • 15

    "Cat strolled into cafeteria"

  • 16

    "Our cat, Paz"

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  • 17

    "My two boys sharing the smallest cat bed we have"

  • 18

    "When you spend hours a day caring for your 5 foster kitties and they all end up loving your boyfriend more than you anyways…"

    Couch - getil


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