Cypress the Dramatic Rescue Beaver, Coos Like a Baby When She Drinks All of Her Milk, Proving That Tantrums Are Sometimes Darling


Babies are extremely needy in both the hooman world and the animal kingdom. In fact, baby animals are hardwired to make boo-hoo baby sounds when they're needing some extra care, so that the adults in their lives will get them whatever they need. Sometimes being helpless has its perks, like food delivery and extra attention. One rescue beaver named Cypress, has proven that she will get express-shipped meals of syringe-fed formula as long as she makes one specific sound that would melt anyone's frigid heart. 


Cypress is only a few months old, which means she if she were in the wild, she would be entirely dependent on her mother. However, Baby Cypress is being raised by a wildlife rescue in Louisiana that saved her and her brothers after being orphaned and losing their bio-mom in the wilds. Elle Greene, a licensed wildlife rehabilitator, has raised Cypress and her siblings with the hopes of returning them to the wild someday. Until then, she's stuck bottle feeding a boisterous group of buck-toothed babies who cry and coo like a human child when they're throwing a tantrum. 

This little bean in particular is feistier than the others. After gobbling down more than her day's fill, Cypress whines and grabs for more handfuls of food, crying and complaining that she's starving. Obviously this little chonker hasn't missed a meal in a while. Her tummy is full and her beady eyes peek out from underneath dark lashes like a healthy, happy beaver. 

Cypress and her siblings will be dependent on Elle for a little while longer, blessing our feeds with the cutest coos and cuddliest reactions to the world around them. Despite their defenseless situation, these Beavers have a bright future ahead of them, full of trees to chew down, dams to build, and fish to catch in their tiny humanoid hands. Although, even once they're older, they won't grow out of their tantrums on vitamin day. Elle has several adult beavers who cry like toddlers when they have to take their medicine. 

It turns out, you never actually grow out of being a baby when you're a beaver. The dramatic crying and wailing continues well into their adult life, mimicking the sounds of young children who suddenly think that they don't like the food you're having for dinner. Eat up baby, the wold awaits you. 

Baby Beaver Cypress

The struggles of being a critter mom! 


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