‘Do you know who I am? I'm rich!'...'Nobody cares.': Entitled wealthy Karen tries to skip to the front of the bagel line, entire store goes hilariously 'New Jersey' on her


If you don't know anything about New Jersey, know that they are very serious about their bagels. They will do what they gotta do to get their Sunday morning bagel. That being said, New Jerseyans know the deal—there is most likely going to be a hella long line at the bagel shop on a Sunday morning, so you just gotta hunker down and get ready to wait. The delicious satisfying bagel reward is worth it in the end. 

So when some entitled Karen comes busting into the bagel shop like she owns the place and skips everyone in line just because she believes she's entitled to it, oh you better believe something is about to go down. A New Jerseyan recently shared his Sunday morning bagel excursion that included his fellow New Jerseyans uniting to put an entitled rich Karen into her place. 

You see, this Karen pushed pass the very long line in the front of the bagel shop and tried to order right in the front. When she was obviously instantly called out for it, she said she was rich and thus had every right to not have to wait in line like everybody else. Oh boy, did that upset the New Jerseyans waiting in line and they unleashed, something I can only imagine comes from their hometown cryptid, the Jersey Devil on her. 


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