Cats have certain behavioral tendencies and so do dogs, and t's rare that these traits overlap. However, when a little rescue puppy is raised by a house full of cats, you're bound to see a little feline personality traits in him. One doggo, a rescue pitbull named Mako, has taken this to the extreme, in fact, he's a real life CatDog without the transfiguration.

Mako is a 60lb black and white pitbull who hops up happily onto the countertops and onto tall furniture, just like his cat brothers do. The only difference is, cats are naturally nimble and lightweight, while Mako is a clumsy, boofty good boy. It's not Mako's fault that he's not exactly made to be sliding across slick, high surfaces. But that doesn't stop him. He always wants to be next to his feline friends, so he goes where they go and does exactly what they do.

Although it may be jarring to see at first, and potentially unhygienic, what is the real difference of having a dog run around your kitchen surfaces versus a cat? Cat people don't seem to mind the toe beans and bum-holes of their cats to touch every surface, so why no a dog? Well, Mako's followers online love that he's a quirky silly dog and they love the fact that he is dexterous and brave enough to give high surfaces a try. He even regularly jumps all the way up to the fridge for a better view.

He just wants to be with his friends and we can't fault him for that. If anything, we should be congratulating Mako for being the most well-balanced pooch out there. Most dogs would go skittering across any slippery surface, misjudging the height and distance of their jump and causing general destruction. That's just what clumsy pooches do! But not Mako.

So the next time your dog tries to get up on the refrigerator or the countertops during meal time, just know that he might just be trying to be closer to you. Even more heartwarming, he might just be trying to fit in with all your other, more agile pets. To be totally honest, if you have a dog like Mako who is coordinated enough to not destroy your whole kitchen, you might just have an angel on your hands.
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