Attention millennials who watched The Disney Channel growing up, we have an epic blast from the past and it is so beautifully satisfying you HAVE to watch it. Remember the days we could watch Disney Channel original movies like Get a Clue or Disney Channel shows like Even Stevens and Lizzie McGuire with hardly ANY commercials? Or just in general, actually… Now if we want to watch Get a Clue, an underrated film from the height of Lindsay Lohan's blossoming acting career we might add, we have to pay for it or find a bootleg version online.

Well, on millennial woman only found an old recording of the Disney Channel from 2002 and it's epic. She says that back in the day they had to give up cable for a little while, so before they parted her dad gave her blank VHS tapes to record her favorite shows so she could watch them while they didn't have cable. The one she found is specifically from December 19th, 2002 and she shares little clips from it.
What we've seen on the tape so far is only a few commercials, but awesome commercials they were. We also so the classic Disney Channel Original Movie intro—we can all still her the tune, “let's watch a Disney Channel MoooOOooovie!.” So satisfying. She shares a few more videos after so many requested more. We get to see more Lizzie, and she says she going to share increments of the tape in 2 minute videos until she's shared the entire VHS.