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Tipping culture in America is essential to keeping the service industry afloat. With most servers clocking in at minimum wage, tips are pretty much the main way that they earn their living. Not only that, but servers, especially bartenders, have to put up with a lot of entitled customers who thrive on being doted on and babied by their waitstaff and if you've ever worked in the service industry, you probably know, that guests who are rich and famous are usually also the worst.
One witty bartender, a Redditor named u/Sssnappy, got stuck serving the private table of an entitled celebrity one night and epically pwned the guy after he was acting like a complete jerk. Apparently he was the lead singer of a band that was in town playing a show, but our Snappy bartender had no clue who he was, which definitely offended the celeb. He proceeded to badger her for more and more drinks, refusing to tip and acting like a buffoon. Finally she started to ignore his table, hoping that he would get the hint that she wasn't going to bend over backwards for him just because he's famous. Eventually he hollered at her, "We need drinks!" to which she replied, "And I need tips!". The hot shot celebrity got snippy and asked if she knew who he was, puffing his chest up in the way that snarky celebs tend to do when their ego is bruised. He threw a balled up $5 on her cocktail tray and said, "NOW can we have drinks?"
After looking closely at the pathetic tip, she realized the bill was autographed. Greaaaaat. However, her coworkers were in disbelief, fan-girling over the autograph and offering to buy it off of her. Snappy sold the autographed bill to one of her coworkers for $50 then went to thank the celebrity in her section for the $50 tip.
Confused, the celeb said, "I gave you a 50?" and she smiled snarkily and said, "Nope, that's what the other bartender paid me for your 5!"
The celebrity immediately quirked a grin and nodded his head. "I like you", he said. By the end of the night, Snappy earned a $500 tip on $90-worth of drinks, just because she was the only server in the room with enough gaul to stick it to the man and call out the entitlement of this not-even-that-famous celebrity.
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