Have you ever been destroyed by a deviously clever comeback or 'brutal fact' that feels totally wrong but still can't be argued with? We're talking about the kind of remark that feels illogical or stupid but is technically true and makes you want to simultaneously give the finger to and high five the person who uttered it? You've got to know what we're talking about. And if you're not in the know, then you're probably missing out on the delicious comedy of r/technicallythetruth. The subreddit is filled with funny and frustratingly true nuggets of truth from all over the internet: Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, and even some unfortunate text exchanges that the conversationalists simply had to upload. If you're feeling a wee bit out of the loop, not to worry! We have gleefully collected some of the latest posts from the community for you to laugh and/or roll your eyes at. Don't say we never gave you anything.