“What job position is 100% overvalued and overpaid?” Posted by u/Airsinner
"I would expand this, personally. Call it the Michael Scott theorem: In any company of sufficient size, there is at least one layer of management that is completely useless, but kept around as a dumping ground for people who earned a promotion but really should've stuck to non-management work, nepotism hires, and people who definitely shouldn't have been hired but are kept around so the person who recommended/approved hiring them doesn't get embarrassed." said u/Nuka-Crapola.
"My lifelong best friend just got a regional VP job a month ago, and he's been trying to figure out wtf he's supposed to be doing because thus far his duties encompass replying to/directing emails between facilities in his region. It's literally a job he could do with 1.5 hours of 'real, actual work' per day…and the company is thrilled with his work thus far! I told him that I personally think he lucked into the perfect job (at least if you're going to work for someone else.)" said u/blargmehargg. -
"So many IT directors are not techs by any stretch, but just management that filled the void. They end up hiring MSPs to do the work. They pretty much balance the budget and approve requests for permissions or product purchases." said u/Toosh0933.
"400 million to drive a fucking company into the ground? Where do I sign up?" said u/ExIdea.
"I am the payroll person at a state university, and I completely agree with this. The people in upper management aren't even in union-protected jobs who, in theory, should be the first ones gone when we need to settle the budget problems we have. Instead, they were the only ones who got raises during COVID." said u/Vandelay222.
"I wouldn't mind that job. How do I apply? Do they teach corruption or a job requirement?" u/wants_the_bad_touch.
"you have to bribe your way in, so 10+ years of corruption and bribery is minimum requirement" said u/MikeHock_is_GONE.
"Am I able to bribe with tax payer's money? Don't have much of my own." said u/wants_the_bad_touch. -
"You'd think out of pure dumb luck they'd eventually make a correct call right? You'd be wrong." said u/italia06823834.
"It's almost uncanny, there's the standard strategy, and the risky one, and then there's whatever the fuck ferrari are doing." said u/Burgess237. -
"I have a very close friend that falls into this category. He literally sits at a desk overlooking a beautiful lake and once a month drives 60 miles to visually inspect a dam. Like just drive to it and look at it. He always jokes 'if you want to see your tax dollars wasted, come visit me at work'" said u/soIstartBlasting.