Animal Comedy Newsletter

Adorable Floofy Canine Pup Is in Complete Awe Seeing a Sunset for the Very First Time (Video)


Puppies are usually very excited about everything. They're fresh to the world and really jut instant love everything about it. This usually has them bounc off the walls, running around like crazy, trying to experience everything in full—it's adorable but can definitely be tiresome. 

Rarely, is there anything that can stop an excited puppy in its tracks. But maybe a breathtakingly beautiful sunset? Recently, a floofy lil puppy on TikTok has been going viral for his adorable reaction to seeing the sunset for the first time. The little guy was running around crazily in the snow like puppies do, but the all of a sudden he freezes. His mom is confused at first, wondering if maybe something is spooking him. 

But then he just plops his floofy lil tush and watches the sunset. She realizes her sweet pup is experiencing a sunset for the first time and he's in complete awe of its beauty.


This smol guy really reminds us how important it is to stop and enjoy the little things in life—like, in this case, a beautiful sunset over a winter wonderland cascade. 

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