Just How Strong is Steve From Minecraft?

  • 01
    minecraft - Font - HOW STRONG IS STEVE
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  • 02
    minecraft - Text - In Minecraft you have 36 slots to carry things. Each slot can hold 64x of most items. Crafting
  • 03
    minecraft - Text - The heaviest item (based real world weight) you can carry is a cubic meter block of gold. It would weigh 19,300kg.
  • 04
    minecraft - Yellow - Each slot can carry 64 of these.
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  • 05
    minecraft - Yellow - And you have 36 slots totaling 44.467 Million kg
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    minecraft - Yellow - 9 gold ingots make one gold block, so we can assume the ingots weigh 1/9th of a gold block, 2144kg
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    minecraft - Fictional character - A full suit of gold armor requires 24 gold ingots to build (assuming we don't waste any in the process), totaling 51466.67 kg
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  • 08
    minecraft - Text - This brings the grand total to 44.519 Million kg. Roughly the weight of the Eiffel Tower.
  • 09
    minecraft - Landmark - Times 6 M
  • 10
    minecraft - Architecture - In his back pocket N


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