Animal Comedy Newsletter

Frankie the Derpy Smol Doggo Has Bark-Activated Ears and the Cheesiest, Most Adorable Grin


Sometimes a dog will have a quirky trick or a useless skill that their hoomans find incredibly adorable and entertaining. Maybe your pooch has the special talent of using it's dexterous pawsies to twist open the lid to their food storage container or maybe your doggo can walk on their back legs like a circus bear. But what about those uncontrollable oddities? Is it even cuter if your dog has no control? Well, one adorably uncontrolled smol boi has the cutest circus trick yet. Normally, his ears rest folded on his head, but when he barks they spark to life and stand up taller than ever! 


But where is the lie? Meet Frankie the French bulldog/Jack russel terrier mix. He is a pint sized treasure and has both the folded ears and the standy-uppy ears that we all love. How is it that he can have both ear types? Well, that's simple. When in a resting position, Frankie's ears default to their ‘relaxed look’ of being folded– which is very gentlemanly. But when he borks, they perk so strongly at the base that they flap open like a bird taking flight and the ears stand at attention, pointing mightily skyward. 

This multi-mode ear trick is one of a few quirky quirks that make Frankie so adorable. Sometimes when he barks, one ear will go up, leaving the other in the dust. It seems that his bobble head has no preference which ear stands on end as long as they answer the call of being activated when barking. 



Not only is Frankie a boy wonder when it comes to his silly special skill, he also has a gnarled, snaggle-toothed smile that is absolutely to die for. Most dogs have rather janky teeth, especially if they're bred with any snub-nosed breeds like a Frenchie, but Frankie takes the cake when it comes to his cute, crooked smile. 

Even though Frankie may be a mouth-breathing, under-biter, we know for a fact that he is the handsomest, cheesy-grinned, bork-activated boy on Earth. Nobody can resist those silly ears and sparkling teefs. You can't deny that kind of talent.

Automatic 15/10, bark activated ears

My dog's ears have four distinct modes


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