'Update : told my boss I quit and he’s not going to pay me': Boss fabricates charges when employee quits to avoid paying them


Redditor u/kissmaryjane (OP) shared the saga that unfolded with their employer, culminating with their resignation and their boss telling them that they weren't going to pay them due to fabricated losses and damages that totaled more than the worker's owed pay. 

The worker shared more context in a somewhat confusing follow-up post explaining the situation. They describe that they had recently been hired to the role a few weeks prior; after repetitive days of working between 12 and 15 hours for a flat rate of only $140, they decided it was time to call it quits. The "boss" then immediately began piling up with random charges of things to dock from the employee's pay, including charging them for a hand truck that was left with another worker and for damage that was caused by another driver crashing. These charges totaled more than the employee was owed for their "two weeks of hell."

The OP had originally posted to Reddit's r/antiwork subreddit to share a screenshot of their bizarre employment agreement, which commenters agreed violated several laws and wouldn't hold any legal water. The screenshots of this agreement follow the update post and context posts below. 

. . . 

For more workplace stories, check out this boss who refused to accept their worker's resignation. 


This most recent post from the OP shared the final exchange between them and their employer. 

via u/kissmaryjane


The employee shared this post providing more context to the situation at hand:

via u/kissmaryjane

The employee had originally shared this post to the subreddit, showing their bizarre employment agreement, which readers agreed wouldn't hold any water legally. 

via u/kissmaryjane


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