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Anyone who has worked retail or otherwise dealt with customers knows all too well that customers generally will try anything and everything to get their way. This includes (but is not limited to) quoting irrelevant pieces of legislation, being generally aggressive, hurling insults, demanding a manager, and name-dropping the owner (or some other executive.) In the case of name-dropping, if you actually bother to bother the person whose name is being dropped, they'll usually have no idea who the customer is. If they do, their exasperation will reveal exactly how they feel about that customer.
This customer got more than they bargained for when they tried to shame the customer service person they were dealing with and strong-arm them into giving them some parts for free by name-dropping the owner of the business and claiming that the owner would have done the deal so they obviously "Didn't know him.'" Well, the customer service person happened to be the owner's son, so it turns out they knew him pretty well.
This story was shared by Redditor u/eightballwitch on Reddit's r/pettyrevenge subreddit today, where it has received quite the reception. Keep reading to see screenshots of the original Reddit thread. For more, check out this server who let a couple stay late after closing and learned the hard way how entitled they were.
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