When babies form bonds with any sort of animal it is instantly adorable. But when an itty bitty new born baby girl forms the most adorable wholesome bond with a giant horse, it's incredible.
A farmer on TikTok recently shared her pregnancy journey on the farm and had an extra cute addition to it. During her pregnancy a foal had just been born on the farm. So she shared her pregnancy with this foal the entire time. She would show the growing horse her growing belly, and the horse showed a gentle curiosity towards it.

Then when the baby was born, the horse and her were instantly besties. The way they look at each other is SO friggin' cute, as if they knew they were each other's soulmates before they were even born. And the horse who went from foal to full-grown while the baby was a'brewin' in the womb is so extremely gentle and careful around the baby. If their relationship doesn't make your heart burst, then we don't know what will!

This baby is destined to be the most epic horse girl and grow up to be the coolest cowgirl this side of the Mississppi!
Watch full video below:
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