The audacity of some people just feels absolutely insane. How can you be THAT delusional, running around town like you own the place? How come delusional and entitled tend to go hand in hand? A story we came across recently on Reddit really had us pondering this.
On the subreddit r/EntitledPeople a person posted a story about a friend of theirs. This friend owned a farm with some rescue horses. She did not give out riding lessons because these horses have gone through trauma and are not for riding or working. This is basically their retirement. So when an entitled Karen mother came out of nowhere trying to break onto her private property, so her teenage daughter could ride one of her horses, the farmer made sure to stand her ground.
The entitled Karen said that the "owner" said they could come and ride these horses and demanded to be allowed in. The friend looked her in the eyes, told her she was the owner, that she had never seen her in her life, and asked her and her daughter to leave, or she was going to call the police. As a Karen tends to do, she doubled down on her crazies and started berating her with insults. So the farmer went inside and called the police. However, while she was on the phone, the daughter broke in and was running across her property while her dogs playfully chased after her. The Karen mom even tried to steal a horse, even though she came in a minivan. Like, what horse fits in a minivan??
Eventually, the police came and took them off of her property, but a few days later, she got a summons in the mail from the Karen suing her. She went to court and showed the judge the security footage and the judge was so appalled he ordered the Karen to pay the farmer for all her legal troubles, property damage, etc. The Karen even refused to pay for a while, which ended up in late fees, making it around over $60k that she paid for her Karen BS. Scroll on to read the entire story.
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Reddit post by u/randomphantom84
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