Much like pocket monsters themselves, Pokémon lore continues to evolve with each new generation. Over the years, Pokémon culture has been consistently revived and enriched by fresh new video games, movies, collectables, and of course, Pokémon species. When I was a kid, there were 151 Pokémon. Today, after nearly three decades and nine generations, there are a whopping 1,015 Pokémon currently registered in the National Pokédex. Pretty insane, right? Just last year, Nintendo released Pokémon Scarlet and Violet for Nintendo Switch, simultaneously offering some major nostalgia fodder for thirty-something millennials, and opening up a whole new world of Pokémon for young gamers.
Whether you're an elder millennial who still thinks Ash and Pikachu are the main characters, or you're a young zoomer who's all about Liko and Roy lore, there's enough funny and relatable Pokémon content out there for every kind of fan of the franchise. We've collected a horde of memes that could fill a Pokédex. Maybe some day we'll catch 'em all!
You must find another way.
And make it double!
Spirit animal.
The power of nostalgia is undefeated.
Thanks, I hate it.