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Laugh Your Tail Off: Spicing Up Animal Pictures With Clever, Fake And Ridiculously Funny Captions (16 Pictures)

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    Dog - Posted by u/Caeflin 10 days ago 30% of unemployed bears cannot afford hairdressing care Mildly True
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    World - Posted by u/NathanTheKlutz 11 days ago Every armadillo lizard secretly desires to be a guard dragon. Info
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    Plant - * Crossposted by u/y6ird 15 days ago The real reason most Canadian geese are so cranky is that their roots are exposed. They are quite docile when properly potted. Info r/pics. Posted by u/landlockedbluessk 16 days ago A Canadian goose that comes back year after year to lay her eggs in my neighbor's plant pot [OC]

    First, grab a shovel and find yourself a nice, cozy spot to sow your Canadian geese. Remember, sunny areas with plenty of water nearby are their version of a five-star hotel. Sprinkle some love (and maybe a pinch of fertilizer) over them, and voilĆ ! 

    Come spring, you'll witness an adorable invasion of Canadian geese babies hatching from the ground, waddling their way into our hearts. Just make sure you've got plenty of breadcrumbs ready to welcome your feathered friends into the world, and get ready for a quacking good time!

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    Jaw - Alligators can live up to 100 years which is why there is an increased chance that they will see you later.
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    Bird - * Crossposted by u/Maudeleanor 18 days ago The female black-winged kite, every morning of her adult life, refuses to leave her perch without false eyelashes. r/birdpics. Posted by u/Huge-Impression2734 18 days ago Cannot blame the food chain | Black-winged kite with a kill | Masai Mara | Kenya | Nikon Gears | [OC] OC

    Have you ever noticed how birds effortlessly rock their perfect winged eyeliner while we struggle to get both sides even? Well, let me tell you, their eye-liner game is on a whole different level, and we are seriously green with envy.

    These winged wonders have mastered the art of precision like no other, gliding that pencil across their lids with flawless finesse. Meanwhile, we're over here looking like we got attacked by a toddler with a crayon. It's time to admit it, folks: when it comes to eyeliner, birds have us beat.

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    Dog - Posted by u/I_might_be_weasel 19 days ago Ƈ This is the snoozleberry hound. A breed of dog that has been bred to be so specialized at sniffing out snoozleberries that their brain has almost no other functionality. This ability rarely is needed as snoozleberries don't exist so they spend most of their time just sitting there looking derpy.
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    Plant - Posted by u/NathanTheKlutz 25 days ago After centuries of repeatedly being mistaken for snakes by humans, European legless lizards now have crippling self-esteem and identity issues. Here's the thing... JEZI
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    Photograph - Posted by u/I_might_be_weasel 13 days ago This is the taxes cobra. If you claim to have paid your taxes and the IRS doesn't believe you, they make you boop this cobra. If he doesn't bite, it means you were telling the truth. No step on
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    Reptile - Posted by u/NathanTheKlutz 25 days ago A common defense against predators for giant leaf frogs is to hide themselves among Picasso paintings. Clever Girl
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    Bird - * Crossposted by u/KimCureAll 25 days ago Birds with unevenly focused eyes usually can't read very well. r/PicsOfUnusualBirds Posted by u/I_might_be_weasel 27 days ago Imagine you live in South America where potoos are common and you walk into your kitchen one morning and there is this weird ass little muppet bird sitting on yesterday's paper blankly staring at you eyeballs that aren't focused the same. with giant yellow De Festa Glad dad puedes PeriĆ³dico ora para mayor BI endas
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    Bird - Posted by u/I_might_be_weasel 1 month ago Due to the excessive number of nature documentaries he has narrated, around 12% of wild macaws can randomly speak English phrases in David voice. Attenborough's Clever Girl
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    Cat - Posted by u/phallaxy 2 months ago The octopus is so intelligent it can camouflage as a cat
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    Sleeve - Posted by u/buildrich2013 2 months ago According to WikiLeaks, Australian army develops a special unit of combat wombats. ALLARAN WILDLIF PARK
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    Horse - Posted by u/Celestron4 2 months ago A pregnant horse runs faster because it has two horse power
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    Bird - Posted by u/afieldBrood 3 months ago Newly hatched birds often use their shells as armour
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    Photograph - Posted by u/I_might_be_weasel 13 hours ago In 1981, a Soviet luxury department store released a line of "cuddle bears", which were grizzly bears that had been specially trained to snuggle up to people while sleeping. There were no survivors. You can't tell a bear not to be a bear. ARRAGE EF


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