Animal Comedy Newsletter

Tiniest and Cutest Frenchie Puppy Has a Lot to Say When It Comes to Bedtime, Goes Viral


There are a lot of reasons why itty bitty tiny adorable puppies are the cutest. If we tried to list them all right now, we could go on forever. What we want to talk about this time is just how CUTE this friggin' talkative Frenchie puppy is. 

His name is Nurf and he's recently been going viral on TikTok. Why is that? Because he has a lot to say before bedtime. The video shoes him in his little puppy corner, surrounded by blankets and even his own bed, but he does not want to go to sleep. The puppy parents are trying to reason with him and tell him to go to sleep, but all you hear is “waaawaaaawaaaa” in that distinctive Frenchie accent. You know the one? It's hard to explain, you just have to listen. Frenchies who talk have a very specific sound, a dog accent, if you will. Just hear for yourself below!

Full video:



The little guy has gotten so popular that viewers demanded he be given his own personal TikTok account and so the puppy parents just had to oblige. Now you can get endless Frenchie fun from Nurf the pup at @nurfthefrench and boy are his fans excited to hear more of what he has to say. Will he start a cult? Run for president? Be a slam poet? Who knows?! The possibilities are endless for this cutie pup. 

More frenchie:


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