All those Doctor Who fans out there are going to be fans of this one. Here, we have a petty revenge story that serves as a reminder of the highly competitive nature of sibling rivalry. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/pettyrevenge subreddit by u/norsewolf98, who recounted a story about how he finally got his brother back for provoking countless jump scares.
Inspired by a then-new monster on Doctor Who known as The Silence, the Redditor saw his own brother get scared in real-time while watching the show. At 10 years old, how could you not draw inspiration from this scene and recreate it as the perfect piece of petty revenge? This kind of reenactment, if done successfully, is more rewarding for a 10-year-old than just about anything else (and that includes cake). Keep scrolling below for the full play-by-play. For more revenge tales, check out this story about a sister using her son's name as revenge against her own brother.
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