People who have chosen to be child free don't usually change their mind. Once a person has decided that they want to live their life for themselves and not repopulate the Earth with noisy crotchgoblins, they get pretty contented with a lifetime of being the cool aunt and uncle, while raising their small army of well-behaved dogs. When couples start being serious, that's usually a topic that gets flushed out right away so that nobody is wasting their time. If you're in a relationship with a person that you thought agreed with you, what happens when they suddenly flip the switch on a deal breaker?
In this case, one woman dealt with that exact conundrum with her partner of several years. Early in their relationship, they'd made it clear that they did not want children and wanted to remain child free. However, recently he's changed his tune a bit and has turned hostile and malicious. Fortunately, the Internet is here as the eternal support group, encouraging the woman to stay in line with her beliefs.
Keep scrolling for the full story on how the Internet became one woman's late night bestie, empowering her and validating her choice. For more tales of love, check out this ultra cute proposal video of one boyfriend who popped the question at a Taylor Swift concert.
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