If you're looking to spice up your life with impulse and fun - why don't you give dating a person with ADHD a try? Whether you have it, know someone who has it, or are dating someone with ADHD - you know that it's a rollercoaster of ups, downs, and a whole lotta turns… in a good way though.
Living with ADHD can be exhausting, and overwhelming, and can make you feel like you're going in circles for days, weeks, and even years. But with the proper medication and a supportive partner by your side - there's nothing you won't be able to tackle and accomplish.
Don't get us wrong though, ADHD is so much more than being distracted and lacking in focus. People with ADHD are adventurous, curious, and spontaneous. And last time we checked, these are wonderful qualities to have in a partner. With that being said, whether you're dating a discombobulated soul or if you are the discombobulated soul - these memes are for you to serve as a reminder that you're not alone in this.
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