You know the real secret to maintaining the spark in a relationship? It's not about fancy vacations, clear communication, or weirdly specific roleplay, much as these might help. Nope, the most important thing is entertaining yourself by doing pointless little experiments on your partner.
OK, maybe this isn't great advice, but it makes for an extremely entertaining TikTok series. When every other viral relationship video seems to involve someone being a douchebag to their significant other, the content that @juddlymillie brings acts like a breath of fresh air.
For several days, she has been conducting a 'social experiment' on her boyfriend to see if she can influence his clothing choices. Every day, she leaves a gap between two of his t-shirts on his rack in the wardrobe, and waits to see if he picks one of them. So far, he always has.
It is simple yet compelling viewing. It turns out many commenters also live with low effort dressers who lack attention to detail. Here's hoping he hasn't secretly been watching her TikToks.