Having a gardening hobby can be expensive. Plant purchases add up, but it can quickly become a new obsession and put you in a financial bind. But what if you're no good at keeping those plants alive? Think of the expense! Every time you boy a new plant, it comes back to your house to be malnourished, mistreated, and to live out its final days on your balcony. If there was a way to permanently get new plants to replace the old ones, would a bad gardener take that chance?
A convent of nuns recently tested how far they could go with this theory. Torn because they didn't want to pay for excessive florals to beautify their church but also not wanting to sacrifice the ~aesthetics~, the nuns launched a heist that was so audacious and so strange, you'd have to see it to believe it.

Every single day, this gaggle of old nuns comes into their local hardware store, buys $800+ of flowers, and then returns the very next day to get their money back. Lord almighty! Depending on the color scheme of whatever church event they have coming up, they make sure to plan accordingly on their flower haul, keeping every plant in tact and alive so that they can maximize their return. Either these nuns are onto a great life hack or they're going straight to confessional to atone for their thievery.

Apparently it's not uncommon for little old ladies to feel entitled to someone else's plants. Obviously we understand if you're a bad gardener on a budget, but when you start using “rented” foliage as decor, things start to get a little fishy. At what point are you simply using your local department store as a gardening service, returning your sub-optimal plants every day to replace them with the fresh ones?

The nuns came back everyday to replace their flowers, but it seems like a regular person could never get away with that. At what point do you consider taking advantage of a financial loophole as theft? The moral high ground is not on the side of the nuns this time and some of the employees that have to restock these flowers every day are starting to get tired of it. Maybe it's time the nuns learn how to keep these potted beauties alive long enough to make their purchase worth it. Either that or it's time for them to ask for a little more tithe on the side.