Embark on a whimsical journey through the enchanting realm of Harry Potter, where memes breathe life into the pages of the wizarding world. Alas, we mere muggles must content ourselves with these humorous snippets of magic… for those who have grown up alongside Harry Potter, childhood was a time of brandishing twigs found in the backyard, pretending they were actually wands, or better yet, the sword of Gryffindor. Pretending to cast spells was our favorite pastime. Uttering the name 'Lord Voldemort' was met with trepidation, as if one feared his spectral presence materializing at the doorstep or playground, ready to afflict an entire lineage with the dreaded 'Avada Kadavra' curse.
Gryffindor, the noble house we yearned to join in our youth (and honestly, still yearn to join), was our favorite Hogwarts House. If you'd ever call us a Slytherin, we'd have immobilized you with our make-believe wand twigs. There is much talk of a new Harry Potter TV series, which both excites and terrifies us. There is nobody who could possibly play the Chosen One better than Daniel Radcliffe, but we're trying to be open.
Scroll down for the best Harry Potter memes of the week. For more, you are welcome to check out last week's collection here. We still hope and pray to get our Hogwarts acceptance letter, and no, we don't care that we're adults.