'I'm too good at my job to move upward': Worker passed up for promotion and told that they're too good at their role to be promoted


One of the best ways to do this is to adopt an attitude of constant growth and understand the fact that you have something to learn from everyone you meet. You should also attend relevant seminars, workshops, and conferences to network with other professionals and learn new techniques and trends in your field. You can also read industry publications and blogs to stay up-to-date on the latest developments. 

Still, being too good at your job can present drawbacks; if you're so effective and productive in your role that your employer would have to hire two (or more) people to replace you, they might be incentivized to keep you right where you are, choosing to promote externally rather than giving you your deserved promotion. This is a short-sighted approach as, eventually, that employee is just going to start looking for other jobs and leave anyways, meaning that the company is short a skilled, effective, and dedicated worker.

This worker shared their experience of being passed over for a role that they felt, of the candidates, they were the most qualified for, posting about their experience to a popular online community for workplace discussion. 

Readers responded, offering their condolences and advice, with some sharing similar experiences of their own. 

Read on, and when you're done here, check out this worker who gave notice and lost all of their accrued PTO.


via u/DevilsDirtyDiaper


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