Coming home from Trader Joe's with a new potted plant for your home office is a very satisfying and exciting feeling. You're bringing new life into the home and it might even bloom under your care– except, you forgot that you have a cat. Perched on the counter and staring you down as you bring that delicious leafy chew toy under your arm is the inescapable gaze of your feisty feline. You calico is poised to pounce at anything that bobbles, shakes, or tastes 'green' enough for him to destroy, so you scold him and say, "this time will be different".
It will not be different. In a day or two, you'll inevitably come home to plant carnage, with a cracked pot, fertilized dirt, and a sad, shredded hydrangea flompfed onto the ground. Your catto will flick his anarchist's tail as a reminder to never love anything more than him.
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