Everyone has their own style when it comes to parenting. But I think we can all agree that once you become a parent, it is no longer about you, your needs, and your wants. But instead, it is all about this tiny little human who cries, poops and destroys everything in sight.
And while at times it may seem like this tiny creature is out to get you, at the end of the day, there is no greater feeling in the world than knowing that you made this tiny little baby all on your own… ish. Credits to the dad too, I guess.
But anyway, parenting comes with its ups and downs; sleepless nights, messy households, and lego anywhere and everywhere. But once all that chaos settles down and it is finally nap time, that is when we realize just how lucky we are to be parents…
And then they wake up and it starts all over again. With that being said, I hope you enjoy this hilarious batch of witty parenting memes!
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