The Mario Kart series is a magical franchise. In the decades since its inception, it has strengthened as many friendships as it has shattered. Despite being a development studio whose audience is primarily children, Nintendo sure has a knack for making the most frustratingly competitive games. Heck, the only games that top Mario Kart in terms of injecting tension into friendships are Super Smash Brothers and Mario Party.
Although new entries Mario Kart franchise continue to release, we all have a certain nostalgia for one era of the game or another. For me, it's Double Dash. Heading to a friend's house after school, grabbing snacks, booting up the Game Cube, and then arguing with each other for hours on end was a remarkable highlight of my early years. Even today, when we load up Mario Kart 8 on the Switch, unquestionable animosity is inevitable. It might not be healthy, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
Why don't we celebrate the widely beloved video game racer with some comedic Mario Kart content? Here's a collection of memes that discuss everything from the unjustifiable usage of blue turtle shells to the unfortunate circumstance of forgotten banana peels.