Before I turned 30, people would tell me that my 30s were going to be the best and worst years of my life. Firstly, they said I'd 'stop sweating the small stuff'. That turned out to be true. But my body also stopped handling hangovers quite as well as it did in my twenties, and that really sucked. On the bright side, I got healthier. On the negative side, friends moved away, I grew apart from certain people, and sometimes I feel a little lonelier than I would wish to admit. I feel like in your 20s, you are optimistic, free-spirited, and maybe a bit naive. You are full of hope for the future.
Then that future arrives, and yeah, it totally rocks, I won't lie. You have a better salary, for one. You live alone and don't have to deal with roommates leaving dirty dishes in the sink. And you feel a little bit freer in terms of everything. In other words, you don't give much of a hoot anymore. Below you will find over 20 hilarious tweets and memes that basically sum up real life.
For more, here is a funny Reddit thread where salty grown-ups talk about mean things their teachers did back in school that they can't quite forget.