There are a couple of basic things you expect out of a partner, whether it be a long-term partner or a casual hookup. You want to be able to openly and honestly communicate with them about your relationship and what you need and want from each other. That can be challenging to build up, and often it takes a lot of time to get there. We need to get even more basic than that. The #1 thing you need out of a romantic entanglement is attraction on both sides. Nobody wants to be with someone who finds them plain and passable. You want your partner to believe that you are stunningly gorgeous, even if you're just normal. I know that sometimes we have to settle, but we should at least think the people we are entangled with are pretty. A woman recently went viral after telling the story of her poly partner saying she's not that pretty and pitifully apologizing for it, and just like the rest of Twitter, I'm horrified at what she's willing to put up with.