Creating a sign shouldn't be this difficult. We can't all be sign experts! And sometimes you need a quick sign ASAP. So you scribble one out with a marker, and carry on with your day.
Sometimes the sign-maker is a bad speller. Others simply got too creative with the placement of each word, making it nearly impossible to figure out what the flyer is trying to say. People captured photos of these signs found out in the wild. Some say these posters and flyers are still up today, haunting the walls of small businesses and college campuses. That's just part of their charm — hope you aren't trying to figure out that sign in a hurry.
Scroll down to check out these hilarious signs that tried hard, but just didn't suceed. Next up, this woman's boss really wanted her to get her hair cut, since she couldn't tie up it — so to spite him, she got the worst hair do imaginable.
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