After you've been around the block a few times in the dating world, you realize that there are a few things about yourself that you're not willing to sacrifice. For some, their love of pickles is enough to break it off in a relationship and for others, it's a deal breaker if you're really into a guy and he can't swim. We do our best to simplify our love lives, but at a certain point, some things are more important to a person than a love interest.
Serial daters have an especially acute problem with dating requirements. It seems like the more dates you go on, the more 'icks' you end up having and the higher standards you require for a potential mate. Next thing you know, you've got a laundry list of requirements that no living person could live up to. I guess it's time to increase the range on your Tinder profile to include that graveyard on the other side of town. For those of us who haven't RIPed our love life, we're still searching for that perfect fit in a partner– someone who is the glass slipper to our irregularly shaped foot. Scroll onward to read about some serial daters who have even weirder dating requirements than you do.
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