What will they say about memes in the history books of the deep future? Will anthropologists regard memes as fascinating hieroglyphs used as a complex form of communication? Or will memes be brushed aside, cast away, and forgotten by historians? Even today, it's difficult to pinpoint when the first internet meme occurred. Many believe it's the disturbing dancing CGI baby from Ally McBeal, while others consider "All your base are belong to us" to be the first meme that really pioneered the medium as we know it today. To answer the question is difficult, if not impossible, as many meme historians still argue about the very definition of what makes a meme a meme.
For all the internet scholars out there who love both memes and history, you've come to the right place, because we've collected a wealth of history memes that belong in a museum. And no, we haven't fact-checked any of these—so you're welcome to do your "well acktuallys" in the comments.