Welcome to working in fast food: Where the pay is low and the customers become your sleep paralysis demon. What is it about working in a fact food restaurant that attracts the biggest of both male and female Karens? Do the neon signs say "entitlement welcome" or something? Yeah, yeah, it's not every customer that walks through the doors of a fast food place that is the worst, but, if you've ever worked fast food before, then you know it is a good portion of them.
Just take this recent Reddit poster. They shared a short but sweet story with a satisfying ending about dealing with one of these notorious customers while they were working a Wendy's drive-thru. Basically, they gave a woman her change back, which included a $5 bill and OP went on working. A few minutes later they hear this woman screaming at the manager.
They asked the manager what that was all about after the Karen begrudgingly drove off. The manager said that the woman was demanding that OP get fired because they gave her a $5 bill that was old (like from the 80s/90s) and she wanted a "newer" bill. In the U.S., that money is still very much accepted and there is no reason for anybody to get fired for giving that as change.
The manager stood up to the Karen and justice was acutely served. A quick and satisfying story.
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