There are a lot of things to consider when you decide you want to get married, and they don't just involve what you want to do about the wedding. In many ways, even just thinking about this ultimate commitment can bring up challenges in a relationship. As such an ingrained tradition, many people have some stubborn ideas about it — and if you're unlucky, they could clash with your partner's.
This is the case with British content creator Faith Kelly, whose YouTuber boyfriend Ethan Payne decided that he wasn't able to marry her. On their podcast, they revealed the reason for this was that she wanted to hyphenate her maiden name with her married name, instead of just taking his surname.
Insisting that having a double-barreled name would make her "half [his] wife", the clip went viral on Twitter. Many did not have the most complimentary things to say about him. What happened to marriage being a partnership?