After you have kids, your heart opens up in a way that is undescribable… here is this tiny little human who you love more than life itself, and you would do ANYTHING to protect them.
They really open your eyes, make you feel young (and old at the same time because goodness gracious they are little pieces of work), and give you life. Adding joy, spreading saliva, the whole bit. You wish they wouldn't stick their tiny fingers into the holes in walls, and you pray they look both ways before they cross the street… suddenly you care intensely about another living being, who can't fend for themselves quite yet.
Kids are great. They are also little monsters, but great. Today we have a wholesome thread posted to r/askmen, where men answered what they felt changed after they became fathers, specifically when they had daughters. Enjoy the heartwarming jokes, realizations, and all-around wholesomeness. Then, here is a waitress who pulled an adorable 'girl power' move when serving a couple at the restaurant she worked at.
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