Never be afraid to confront a sketchy boss. Seriously, in this day and age, in this economy, it truly behooves you to take initiative like that for your own well being. That's the advice this professional hairstylist needs right now. On reddit, she posts about the awful and very sketchy things the salon owner, her boss, keeps pulling. And in her good nature, she doesn't want to think the worst of her boss. But it's very clear to any reader, that this boss is pulling some nefarious things—the top recommendation so far is to report her boss to the IRS. OP says after months of toxic behavior, she was running 15minutes late to work. She told her boss this an hour before her actual shift, and the boss seemed fine. However, when she got there, her boss blew up at her. She told her she would have to start doing all these annoying nitpicking things if she wanted to continue working there, she initially agreed. But after continuous abuse, she's ready to quit on the spot via text. What would you do?
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