Finally, the cool, crisp evening has arrived, and you find yourself wading through crowds of students who are going in the same direction, with the same purpose… You soon find yourself in the great hall, surrounded by fellow Hogwarts students, who are all sniffing the air in excitement. The aromas are strong and delicious, and you can barely wait to sit down and begin feasting. Christmas really is a treat in Hogwarts, you think to yourself, as your gaze follow the long, winding line of plates piled up with pot roast, sweet turkey, carrot cupcakes, cooked potatoes, and so much more…
Now that I have you hungry, are you ready for the best Harry Potter memes of the week? Take a break from your imaginary eating, and scroll through some Hogwarts funnies. Next up, more Harry Potter memes, duh!
I'll be here in my muggle filled house, awaiting my Hogwarts acceptance letter, thank you very much. Enjoy your holidays… and your feast.