'He wouldn't serve me': Customer instead tips their waiter's colleague after receiving hostile service

  • 01
    Posted by u/slyguymax 8 hours ago Revenge on waiter I just bought a hotel room and was informed the room came with free breakfast for 2. I came down stairs in the morning and as soon as I entered the breakfast area the server gives me a dirty look and literally yelled what do you want. I told him about the comped breakfast and he said i had to leave without explaining i needed a coupon that came with the key card for the room. After i found this out from the front desk i came back and gave him t
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  • 02
    He then said he wouldent serve me because there needed to be 2 people. Again i had to leave get my brother and come back. he then proceeds to take our order 1 breakfast for me and 1 breakfast to go so my brother could go back to sleep. My brother leaves. The server then proceeds to not even offer me water or check on me at all while attending to the only other people in the breakfast area sitting right in front of me.
  • 03
    finally some one else brings out my food. I eat. When it comes time to leave a tip I write a big fat zero on the check and proceed to walk over to the food runner that brang me my food and hand him a 20 dollar bill. The look on this servers face is priceless.
  • 04
    Principesza 7 hr. ago I love that you tipped the other guy because now the waiter can't just convince himself that you're a non-tipping 1.6k Puzzleheaded_Web_375 5 hr. ago This is the way 177 Reply Share 7 Reply Share heyitszoerae 1 hr. ago it really is Reply Share ●●●
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  • 05
    Irish Italian Angel-51 8 hr. ago WOW Some people's "children." Glad you tipped the food runner. 489 99 Reply Share STU82 6 hr. ago Probably made that kid's day. Runners don't usually get any tip out. Reply Share ... 69 Viraskimet 7 hr. ago Made me do a happy dance..! Reply Share
  • 06
    blazinazn007. 6 hr. ago Had a server a few years back. Traveling solo for work up in the to the Boston area. Finished up my day and went to a restaurant to grab dinner. Got seated and waited for a server. Waited 10 minutes and saw other tables sat after me get greeted, orders taken, etc. I used to be a server so I was giving them the benefit of the doubt. Maybe my section was double sat or something you know? But then after another ten minutes I finally flag down a manager and asked if a server
  • 07
    Manager apologized profusely and a server did finally come. But when she came over she spoke to me very slowly and loudly. She was assuming I didn't speak English well so she was doing that stupid thing where people will use the same words but say them slower and louder, thinking it'll help the non English speaker understand better.
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  • 08
    For what it's worth I am Asian but I was born in the USA, so English isn't a problem for me. Even after responding back with perfect English she continued her patronizing tone. I promptly left to go to another restaurant but before I exited I did let the manager know what happened and that their server was being a racist piece of garbage. 252 Reply Share
  • 09
    IndependenceNo2060 · 7 hr. ago I've had similar experiences with horrible customer service, and it's infuriating how some people can be so inconsiderate! Glad you got some measure of satisfaction, and I would've done the same. 60 Reply Share
  • 10
    Sunflower971. 3 hr. ago I remember my mom tipping a helpful busboy at an IHOP. Waiter had been incredibly . Busboy really was great, got us our drinks, etc.. As we left my mom asked for a manager, didn't complain, wanted a witness the tip was for the busboy and that nothing was for the waiter. I was a kid, felt like my mom was a superhero that day. 介 23 23 Reply Share
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    MentalProduce6834 7 hr. ago Loser waiter probably stole the 20 from the runner. ↑ 40 ↓ Reply Share jasperjamboree. 6 hr. ago Let's hope that this isn't a restaurant that requires everyone to pool their tips together to divide equally because unfortunately those exist. Reply Share 18
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    EntertainmentOdd6149 7 hr. ago I get bad service I leave a penny 4 9 Reply Share BJGuy_Chicago. 6 hr. ago My grandmother did the exact same thing. She always said that if she left 0 they'll assume you just either forgot or just didn't want to tip. Leaving a penny tells them their service was bad. 12 Reply Share
  • 13
    neokraken17. 6 hr. ago No one apologizing for the waiter and berating OP for not tipping 20% despite service. Reddit is finally turning a corner when it comes to tipping. ↑8 Reply Share
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  • 14
    Mythotic Prince. 5 hr. ago I've done that, went out to dinner with my fiancé and saw our server 3 times. Took our order, brought our food and brought our check (after we asked someone else for the check) Saw another young server helping the table near us, repeatedly kept doing a great job, I told him to keep doing a good job and handed him $10 then left. (Besides us there were 4 other customers in this restaurant) 3 ↓ Reply Share


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