Tweet it once, shame on me. See the tweet and pass it off as your own, shame on you. A good tweet is one in a million. But that means there are vultures waiting in the wings to steal your good ideas. It happens all the time, and there's very little you can do about it unless you're quick with the receipts. Having somebody steal your tweet and then get more likes than you did feels like saying a joke at a party, not saying it loud enough, and then someone else repeating it louder and crushing the audience. It's one of the worst feelings. Because in trying to defend yourself you just sound bitter. "Hey, that was my joke." Great, now nobody's laughing and everyone hates you.
But on Twitter, nobody can hear you scream. Such are the trials and tribulations of this website. Luckily for you, we've gathered some good ones here so you don't have to worry your head about actually going over there.